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Welsh corgi pembroke Kennel ALFAWISH
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We are proud to present a new litter
Father: Aethwy Piano Man
Title: 4* CACIB, Grand Russian Champion Champion 6* RKF, 2 х National Breed Club, Russian, Switzerland.
Junior Vice-EURO WINNER-2014, Junior Champion National Breed Club, Czech, Luxembourg, Russian. BEST JUNIOR OF BREED at CACIB " Russia 2014-1"
2 * Cruft's Qualification 2015, Cruft's Qualification 2017
Mother: Alfawish TRISH
Title: Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Lithuania, Finland

Father - Welsh corgi pembroke Aethwy Piano Man
Father: Aethwy Piano Man
Mother: Welsh corgi pembroke Alfawish TRISH
Mother: Alfawish TRISH

Children: 2 red & white girls, 1 tricolor girl and 1 tricolor boy
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter F
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter F

We are waiting for puppy owners interested in a show career

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of F Litter!
Litter U
On July 03, 1 boys tricolor, 2 red & white boys and 1 red & white girls were born.
Father: WOODHENGE STORM TROOPER (imp. England)
Mother: Alfawish CARINA RUS JCH, RUS CH
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish URIY SAN LIGHT
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish URIY SAN LIGHT, red&white male
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish UNIQUE BEAUTY
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish UNIQUE BEAUTY, red&white female

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of U Litter!
Litter T
20.06.2020 puppies from a beautiful couple were born in the kennel.
Father: WOODHENGE STORM TROOPER (imp. England)
There are 5 puppies in the litter (2 red & white males, 3 red & white females).
Tails are not cropped.
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish TEODOR
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish TEODOR, red&white male
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish TRACY
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish TRACY, red&white female

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of T Litter! 
Litter S
28. 04.2020 puppies from a beautiful couple were born in the kennel.
Father: Hazelmere Bound For Glory (imp. South Africa) Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of Europe, Champion of Europe, Interchampion, 22 CACIB.
Mother: Alfawish BRITTANI Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Champion of RKF.
There are 8 puppies in the litter (2 red & white males, 2 tricolor males, 2 red & white females, 2 tricolor females)

Welsh corgi pembroke puppies Kennel ALFAWISH, Moscow, Russia. LitterS

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of S Litter! 
Litter R

On April 16, 1 boys and 2 girls were born. All puppies are red & white, tails are not cropped.
Father: Craygicor BEAR WITH (imp. England)
Mother: Alfawish Irish Toffee
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish RADIANT BEAUTY
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish RADIANT BEAUTY, red&white female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish RAINBOW SHINE
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish RAINBOW SHINE, red&white female

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of R Litter! 
On April 2, 4 boys and 4 girls were born. All puppies are red & white, tails are not cropped.
F: Otreks Footprint in the Snow (imp. USA)
JCH RUS, National Club of the Breed, JCH Grand of Russia
M:  Ginger Elf ANAIS RUS CH
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish PALOMA, red & white female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish PALOMA, red & white female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish PASTORAL
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish PASTORAL, red & white female

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of P Litter! 
Puppies from Litter “O” have grown up and are looking forward to their owners!
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish ODRI, red & white female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish ODRI, red & white female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish OLIVIA, tricolor female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish OLIVIA, tricolor female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish OSCAR, red&white male
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish OSCAR, red&white male
Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of O Litter! 
Litter O

March 10, 2020 our beautiful Alfawish Buffy (Landians Christmas Money (imp. USA) x Craigycor Cupcake (imp. England) became a mother of 6 puppies. 4 girls (2 red- white and 2 tricolor) and 2 boys (red- white ).
The father of the puppy Alfawish First Knight (Craigycor Vertigo (imp. England) x Craigycor Private Dance (imp. Britain)

Litter N

There are 4 red&white and 2 tricolor boys and 4 red&white girl.
All puppies are sold

Father: Craygicor BEAR WITH (imp. England)
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter N
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter N

Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter N
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter N
Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of N Litter! 
Girl litter "L" - Legend of Elfs still waiting for owners
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter L
Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter L

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of L Litter!

We congratulate Alfawish BRITTANI (LLANDIANS CHRISTMAS MONEY - CRAIGYCOR CUPCAKE), who became the Junior Champion of Russia and the Junior Champion of the RKF in three exhibitions!
Welsh corgi pembroke Alfawish BRITTANI

Welsh corgi pembroke Alfawish BRITTANI, Junior Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of the RKF

Litter M

There are 1 red&white boys and 2 red&white girl
Father: WOODHENGE STORM TROOPER (imp. England)
Mother: Craigycor CUPCAKE (imp. England)

Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter M

Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter M

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of M Litter!  


Puppies from Litter "L" have grown up and are looking forward to their owners!

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of L Litter!  


Litter L

There are 1 red&white and 1 tricolor boys and 3 tricolor and 3 red&white girl, all are with the tails
Mother: RUS JCH, RUS CH Alfawish CARINA

Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter L

Welsh corgi pembroke puppies, Alfawish kennel, litter L

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of I Litter! 


Litter K

1 red&white male
Father: Kotomin's Z'Effire English Style
Mother: Alfawish Irish Toffee

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish Kevin, red & white male

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish Kevin, red & white male

Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of I Litter!


See new photos of puppies from litter "I" on the litter page

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IVI

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IVI, red & white female, natural bobtails

Litter I

1 red&white and 1 tricolor males natural bobtails, 2 red&white natural bobtails and 1 tricolor female.
Mother: Alfawish LOUISIANA 

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IVI

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IVI, red & white female, natural bobtails
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IRVIN, tricolor male, 
		natural bobtails, fluffy
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IRVIN, tricolor male, natural bobtails, fluffy
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish ITON, red&white male
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish ITON, red&white male
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish ENIGMA IN BLACK, tricolor female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IOLANDA, tricolor female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IRIS, red & white female
Welsh corgi pembroke puppy Alfawish IRIS, red & white female, natural bobtails
Please, look for all pictures and pedigree of the babies on the page of I Litter!
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  © 2010 Welsh corgi pembroke kennel ALFAWISH. Moscow, Russia.